Touring report

中国(カシュガルでの日々) 2004年9月
The days in Kashgar, China on Sep, 2004.

Sep 1 to 3.

 カシュガルでは中華料理に買い物でのんびり過ごす。 これまでの国で最も物が豊富で非常に驚く。スーパーのコーナー一つが 調味料で占められ、ティッシュペーパーまで売っているとは・・・ (誰かがボソッと「中国全員が先進国の生活をしたら地球は潰れるな・・・) そして夜は宿のみんなで中華料理を囲んでビールの日々。 骨休めのハズが飲みすぎ食べすぎで お腹の調子はキルギスよりも悪かった・・・(料理は美味しいが油が多すぎて)
I spend 3 relaxing days in Kashgar. There are many items in the supermarket, I could buy some item. I was supprised very much because one coner of supermarket was for only spices, and ohter corner was for only tissue paper. I never watch many items in the shops before I enterd in this turing. In the every evening, Japanese turist and I went to Chinese food restrant and ate good tast foods, drank beers. I ate and drank very much, so my stomach was very bad... It were not relaxing days for my health.... (Another reason was Chinese foods used huge oil to cook them.)

Left: Kashgar city was bigger and more today than my image. Over 300,000 people lived in this city.
Right: Chinese food stalls in the Chinese market.

右:お昼で食べた餃子。中国では水餃子と蒸し餃子が一般的だが、 ここでは日本的な焼き餃子も。
Left: In the morning, there were many motorcycles in the park. I could watch many motorcycles in China.
Right: The jiao-zi at lunch. Chinese jiao-zis are almost boiled or steamed. But this restrant made the grilled one like a Japanese one.

 3日間の骨休み後、絨毯と和田石(ホータンいし)で有名な タクラマカン砂漠南部の和田(ホータン)へ移動。
After 3 holidays, I left here and went to Hotan in the South Takramakan desert area. The carpet and stone for jewel are famous in Hotan.

左:ホータンへの移動の朝。 荒木夫妻と。
Left: A picture with Mr. and Mrs. Araki in the morning on starting day.
Right: There were many oases near the river in out of city.

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I wrote this report on Sep 17, 2004.