Touring report

中国(カシュガルへの移動) 2004年9月
Driving to Kashgar, China on Sep, 2004.

Sep 5, 6.

地図は Fland-Ale 日本世界地図 Ver 3.71を使用。
I used map data "Fland-Ale" and arranged it.

 和田(ホータン)から一度北西へ道を戻り、沙車(ヤルカンド)から 麦蓋堤(メルケト)巴楚(マラルウェシ)とタクラマカン砂漠西部の周囲を走り、 阿図什(アトシュ)経由で什客(カシュガル)へ戻るルートを走った。 タクラマカン砂漠と言ってもホータンから葉城(イエチョン)手前までは 砂漠な中を走っている感じだが、イエチョンからマラルウェシまでは 緑が多くて砂漠の感じがあまりない。その後の鉄道が走る北部では再び 砂漠が続いていた。
I started Hotan and returned to Yarkand and changed route for northeast. I passed through Merket, Mararweh along Taklamakan desert. Next day, I passed through Artush and retunred to Kashgar. Takalamakan southwest area from Hotan to Karghilik was sand desert only without town or city. But there were many trees in southwest area from Karghilik to Mararweh. I did not feel this was desert. After Mararweh, I could watch sand desert along the road.

Left: One scene in desert.
Right: It was windy day, flying sand covered the road.

左:お昼で食べたラグメン。ここは麺にトマト味の強いスープをかける タイプでした。スパゲティーに近い味で美味しかったです。
Left: This laghman woup and noodle were separated. Soup included tomato and was a little sour flavor. It was like a tomato pasta sauce.
Right: This cafe owner and his wife.

 この日はマルキット近くの道路脇の砂漠でキャンプ。 夜中でも5〜10分感覚で大型トラックが走る音が聞こえた。
I camped at roadside desert place. In this night, I heard big truck noise at 5 to 10 minute intervals.

Left: The moon above the desert. Feel like an ancient poet?
Right: There were some small trees in desert.

Left: The road was converged north main road.
Right: New road to Kashgar was builted.

Left: I found an accident big trailer. View was good so I think it was accident in the night.
Right: There were many mobile phone wave relay stations in the desert. They had solar array panels.

 砂漠北部の道路からカシュガルへの道路は新たな道を建設しており、 カシュガル手前では高速道路も建設していた。カシュガル郊外では 天然気(おそらく天然ガス)の井戸も多数あった。西部大開発の号令の下、 経済発展が続いている様子を感じる事ができた。
New road to Kashgar and highway near Kashgar were builted. And there were many natural gas field near Kashgar. Chinese goverment put up a slogan "Big development in west area". I felt Chinese economic development.

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I wrote this report on Sep 17, 2004.