Touring report

Sarakhs on Sep, 2004.

Sep 30.

 国境越えが遅くなりイラン初日は国境の町「サラス」に泊まる。 女性は皆チャドルを着ていてイランに来た事を実感するが、 貴金属店では多くの女性が品定めしていたり、 足元をよく見るとズボンがお洒落だったりと外見と中の服装は違うことが 何となく分かる。トルクメニスタンと町の名前は同じでも、 町にはバイクも人も多く、経済状況は全く違う事が一目瞭然だ。 翌日、200万人都市のマシュハドへ向かった。
I needed longer time than my plan at border, I stayed in Sarakhs. All women wore chadors but many women weighed up golds and jewels, and some women wore fashionable pants. I noticed surface and inside were different. Many motorcycles were droven and people enjoyed shopping. Turkmenistan "Saraghs" and Iran "Sarakhs" are same expression, but economical conditions were completely different. Next morning, I went to Mashhad lived about 200 milion peple.

左:初めてのイランでの食事。お酒が無い代わりに ジュースかコーラが必ず出てきた。
右:ケバブ(串焼き肉)の上にベレンジ(ご飯)が載った物。 イランの代表的な食事。
Left: This was first Iranian foods. Instead of alchol, I could got a juice or coke.
Right: Iranian popular food "berenj (rice) and kabab (skewer meat).

右:地元の人たち。ライダーと言うよりもバイクは日常の足。 3人乗りは当たり前。
Left: I watched off road type motorcycle. Unexpected surprise!
Right: Iranian people took one or two persons on their motorcycles.

左:イランに来てトイレが格段に良くなる。 左の蛇口とホースでお尻を洗います。(それ故、左手は不浄の手)
Left: Toilet was better than before countries I have arrived. People use water hose and wash their back passages. (So left hand is unclean hand.)
Right: There was a motorcycle place at GS.

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I wrote this report on Sep 28, 2004.