Touring report

Teheran, Iran on Oct, 2004.

Oct 4 to 5.

 イラン最高峰の Damavand 山(5,671m)を臨む峠を越えてやっとテヘランへ。 しかし、人口800万人(非公式では1,000万人以上!)の大都会な上に、 過去最悪の運転マナー。ホテルを探すだけで一苦労。ただ、人は皆親切。 英語を話す人、日本で働いていたことがあって日本語を話す人がそこそこいる。 翌日街に繰り出せば、色々な物が目に入ってきて面白い。(空気は悪いが・・・) バイク用品、貴金属、ファッション、それぞれの店が一つの区画に集まって 商店街を形成していた。
I got over a pass it was near Mt Damavand (5,671m), this mountain is highest in Iran, and arrived Teheran. This capital city population was 8 million but off record was over 10 million! Very big, huge car and motorcycle and thier worst traffic manner and dirty air... I had a hard time to find hotel. But some people could speak English or Japanese (Before many people worked in Japan.) and were very kind. Next day, I sighted central city. Shopes were blocked out depending on the varieties.

右:最高峰の Damavand 山を臨む。
Left: The river front of the pass. Deep green was beautiful.
Right: Mt Damavand.

左:バイクは多いが、HONDA CG125 かそのコピーが8割以上。
Left: I watched many motorcycles. Honda CG125 or its copy were over 80%.
Right: This type was very rare.

右:ゴールドが眩しい貴金属店。両替のレートも悪くなく、 しかも英語が通じる事が多いので便利。
Left: In the car & motorcylce goods town. It is very easy what is this shop.
Right: There were many bullion dealer in Iran. I could exchange money in these shop. Their exchange rate was good and stuffs could speak English, very useful.

Left: Grilled meat for sandwich. It was started circle and gurilled.
Center: Sandwich was popular fast food. Too big for me!
Right: Fresh fishes were transported from Caspisian sea.

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I wrote this report on Sep 28, 2004.