Touring report

キルギスタン(オシュへの移動) 2004年8月
I moved to Osh, Kyrgyzstan. Aug 2004.

Aug 26 to 27.

 体調も回復し、キルギス南部のオシュへ向けて出発する。 (後日知るのだが、ちょうど出発した日に くぼすけさん が到着。 どうもすれ違いな事が多いです)3,000m以上の峠を二つ越えるため、 山の中を走っていくことに。トクトグル湖へ至る前に中央アジアで一番長いらしい 2,000mのトンネルを抜けると、遊牧生活を送る人達が住む盆地へと出ます。 (モンゴルではゲルと呼ばれていましたが、こちらではユルト) 途中で二組のサイクリストに会ったが、 どちらも1年以上世界を走り続けており、その凄さに圧倒されました。 (こちらなんてやっと2ヶ月ですから)
After I recovered my condition, I left Bishkek. (After a few days, I knew Japanese rider "Kubosuke" arrived Saburubeck geust house this evening.) Frome Bishkek to Osh way passed through two mountain pass these hight were over 3,000m. There was a tunnel at 1st mountain pass it was most long (About 2,000m) in Central Asia. After pass this one, we could watch some yurt it called "ger" in Mongolia. By the way, I met three cyclist, one was "Lieven" he came from Poland, others were from France they were "Sylvie" and "Florence". 3 cyclists were continuing their travel over one years. (French couple started in 2000!!) I was supprised and they were amazing for me.

右:途中で出会ったポーランドからのリーベン。怒りのアフガンでは大変 だったらしい。
Left: The view from mountain road was pretty nice!
Right: Leiven passed through Afganistan where was still dangerous, he said strongly.

Left: Next day 26, river surface was green and beautiful.
Right: French cyclist couple. Great!

 オシュには27日の午後に到着。ジャララバードとオシュの間にウズベキスタンの 領土が入る為、国境手前で迂回路を走りましたが、この迂回路はまだ道路を 整備中のため、砂利道を走る必要がありました。
I arrived at Osh this afternoon on Aug 27. From Jalal-Abad to Osh, I must pass through BR because this road enter the Uzbekistan. BR was building so it was sometimes dart.

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I wrote this report on Aug 29, 2004.