Touring report

To go to Kenya in Ethiopia on Jan, 2005.

Jan 23 and 24.

地図は Fland-Ale 日本世界地図 Ver 3.71を使用。
I used map data "Fland-Ale" and arranged it.

 アジス・アベバを離れ、ケニア国境の町モヤレ Moyale へ向かう。 初日はディタ Dita まで移動し、翌日にはモヤレに到着。ディタへの移動中、前ブレーキキャリパー 固定のネジ2本の内、1本が脱落していることに気が付く。幸い、ディタで泊まった宿のオーナーが 代用品を探すのを手伝ってくれたので事なきを得る。翌日は20年近く毎年、車でアフリカを旅行している ドイツからの夫婦と出会い、彼らと一緒に夕食をとる。ビールを飲んでから運転していたのには 流石にビックリしたが・・・
After I left from Addis Abeba, I moved to Kenya and drove my motorcycle toward the south. First day, I arrived at Dita. But by the way, one of the front brake fixed bolts were lost. Fortunately, hotel owner helped me and I could fix it. Next day, I met a couple from German, they traveled on their car about twenty years in Arfica. They loved Ethiopian beers and manytimes drove over beers... I was terribly supprised!!

Left: When I had a break time on the side of road,
Right: I found many bird's nest on trees.

Left: Gradually I was moving to Kenya, I watched like this strange things. Was it ant heap?
Right: German couple's car and local children. (Then I also drank beers with them...)

Left: Next day one scene. Many greens on the mountain area.
Right: In GS near Moyale, people's faces are different from north Ethiopia.

Left: And landscape was gradually changed to savanna.
Right: Suddenly it was rain. But rain quickly stopped and road was dried up.

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I wrote this report in Moshi, Tanzania on Feb 5, 2005.