Touring report

In Malawe on Feb, 2005.

Feb 15 to 18.

地図は Fland-Ale 日本世界地図 Ver 3.71を使用。
I used map data "Fland-Ale" and arranged it.

 15日の昼過ぎ、国境を越えマラウィに入国。世界遺産に登録されているマラウィ湖の青さと木々の緑が目に入る。 途中、漁村に立ち寄ると、丸木舟が浜に並んでいた。丸木舟と言う原始的な船を使っている事実より、 船に使える太い木が未だ生息していることに驚いた。タンザニア以降、道端で立ち止まっても人が寄ることが 無くなり、ここマラウィも同じであった。いちいち対応しなくて良い分楽なのだが、少し寂しい気も。 我ながら勝手なものだと思う。16、17日の2日間は首都のリロングウェ Lilongwe にある Council Rest House に宿泊。初日の夜は停電、そして湿気に悩まされた。17日にモザンビークのビザを取得し、 18日に逃げるようにして南部のブランタイヤ Blantyre へ移動。Dogless Backpackers に泊まるが、 プールにバーがあり、車で来た家族連れもいて子供がプールサイドで遊んでいる。 しかし客は白人のみ。その一方で夕飯を買いに外へ出ると、未舗装路に並んだ地元の黒人の市場。 このギャップは何なんだ!!!・・・
Lunch time on Feb 15, I entered Malawe. Lake Malawe is very famous, many rare fishes live. And this is one of the world heritage, surface was beautiful sky blue. I looked in at local fishing village. I was supprised not only they used dugouts, but also big trees to make dugouts are liveing in now. After Tanzania, local people did not come when I parked and had break times. Many people came in Sudan or Ethiopia and sometimes said "Money!", "Give me a pen.", etc. They were very cumbersome. I felt a little lonely but this feeling is arbitrary... I satyed Muzuzu in day 1st, 2nd and 3rd was Lilongwe, 4th was Blantyre.

Left: Dgouts at beach of Lake Malawe.
Center: Fishermen and their children picked up their fishes.
Right: They dried up fishes.

左:初日はムズズ Muzuzu のゲストハウス (Muzuzu Lodge) でキャンプをした為、
Left: I camped at Musuzu Lodge in Musuzu. During I went to Lilongwe, I dried up my tent and sleeping bag at roadside.
Right: Many market opened along the road.

Left: There were few restaurants along the road. I bought foods and ate. This is cassava it is African potato.
Right: Fried chicken.

Left: Korean food "bibimbap" it is rice mixed with seasoned vegetables. I ate it in Lilongwe.
Center: My lunch in feb 18. It was very good taste but I somtimes bit small stones...
Right: This restaurant waitress. When I took a picture of lunch, she asked "Take my picture, too.".

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I wrote this report in Harare, Zimbabwe on Feb 24, 2005.