Touring report

To cape Aguhlas, South Africa on Mar, 2005.

Mar 8 to 9.

地図は Fland-Ale 日本世界地図 Ver 3.71を使用。
I used map data "Fland-Ale" and arranged it.

 南アフリカへ入る際の国境では、荷物チェックも無くてスムースではあったのだが、 国境の係員の態度が少し鼻についたりも。最初の町で昼食を食べようとしたのだが、 ハンバーガーが1つ15ランド(約270円)とビックリ。日本よりも高い! (その後、10ランド前後(約180円前後)と日本と同じであったが) これは財布に厳しいなぁ、とつくづく思った。(3月に入る時点で、自分は1年の予算を9ヶ月で 使い切っていましたので・・・) しかし、ATMで簡単にお金を引き出せ、先進国だなぁ、と思った。(町から一歩出ると、 半砂漠の丘陵がひたすら単調に続くだけなのですが・・・) で宿に入ると、宿帳には大阪から自転車で来ていた大学生の名前があったりも。
South Africa is my last country in this time touring. Because I will parttime return to Japan. And I'll try to continue my touring next year. In the border of South Africa, stuffs did not check my bagages, very smooth pass. But one stuff's attitude and behavior were very bad, I had a little angry. After passed border, I went to small town and entered food shop. I ordered one hamburger and its price supprised me. It cost was 15 Rand (about US$2.6.), was more expensive than in Japan. I had understood South Africa is one of economically advanced countris. I almost finished my money for turing, this fact cautioned me to save money...

山越えを行うと、そこからは牧草地帯が続き、明らかに気候が違うことが分かる。 それに伴い、ワイン畑もよく見かけ、ワイナリーもあちこちに見られる。 この日は適当に宿へ入ろうと思ったが、安い宿が見つからずに難儀していたら、 地元の人に声を掛けられ、結局は泊めてもらうことに。
I drove my motorcycle for Cape Town. In mid course, nature view was changed from rock and desert to grove and camp. And I could find many viticetum and winery along my driving road. I look in at two winery, and checked these wine taste. (I did not drink them, only check!) These wines were good but cheap. Very fantastic!

Left: After over the border, I could look this sign. A few km to arrive at Cape Town.
Right: Long road and huge semidesert.

左:宿泊した宿の夕食。アメリカナイズの大味と言うか(南アフリカなのですが・・・)、 ワイルドな肉とフライドポテトのコンビネーション。
Left: My first dinner in South Africa. Big meet and wild taste?
Center: This town export marble. Italia is best coustomer, I heard.
Right: I had flat tire 2nd day in South Africa. Here is good road. Why?

Left: One mountain. Its sheer cliff impact me something feeling.
Right: Driving to south, we can look greens and farm areas.

ここは 白ワインに力を入れている模様。
Left: In one winery, harvest grapes were conserved in winery factory.
Right: I think South Africa red wines are very famous, but this winery emphasisi on white wines.

Left: Over the mountain path, nature scene was changed to farm area.
Center: This is Wellington winery.
Right: Wellington winery red bottle was include good oak barrel smell.

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I wrote this report in Cape Town, South Africa on Mar 13, 2005.